2019년 7월 29일 월요일

[Q&A] The election for EU president has only one name on the ballot paper. Is that was passes as democracy in the EU?



The election for EU president has only one name on the ballot paper. Is that was passes as democracy in the EU?

* A:
Sounds about right for the EU. The sooner it folds the better.

* A:
That sounds about right. Sooner we are out of it the better.

* A:
Another EU stitch-up and a spit in the face of ordinary people.

* A:
The EU could not care less about democracy..

* A:
That's 'democracy' EU style much like 'democracy' Saddam Hussein style.

* A:
another reason to get out and stay out of the damn corrupt EU

* A:
The EU is a mystery dicatorship

My Blog URL : loy30ng6eunfol2y0u.blogspot.com

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